Tortuous Colon: What You Didn’t Know About It & Self Treatment

Tortuous Colon: Have you heard about the tortuous colon? Having little medical knowledge myself, I can assure you I knew little of the matter until I went skimming the net and somehow stumbled upon it.

I decided to help someone else with little to no idea of what the tortuous colon is. And no, it has nothing to do with torture!

What Is Tortuous Colon?

So, first off, the tortuous colon is actually found inside the human body, though it is an anomaly of sorts. The colon is a long, hollow organ of about 5 feet long.

It is often generally known as the long intestine. A tortuous colon or elongated colon, however, is a kind of colon that is longer than the normal colon. This colon is longer than five feet and has to twist or fold on itself to fit into the abdomen.

Tortuous Colon | Digitalvaluefeed

A tortuous colon is often mistaken with a duplicate colon, however, there are slight distinctions between the two. Whereas the tortuous colon is always characterized by having an excessive amount of sharp bends, the overlapping colon merely has a great number of loops.


How do you know you may possess a tortuous colon? 

Well, in a plethora of cases, an elongated colon is asymptomatic, meaning that it doesn’t show visible symptoms and therefore will need diagnosis and tests to confirm its presence in a body.

However, there are cases where an elongated colon announces its presence with such symptoms as

  • Constipation
  • Fecal ambush
  • Colic
  • Abdominal distension
  • Expansion
  • Excessive gas passage
  • Abdominal cramps

A rare but very serious complication associated with an elongated colon is when the annulus of the colon twists too much, creating a condition known as intestinal obstruction or colon volvulus. Where this is the case, the following are the symptoms:

  • Severe lower abdominal pain
  • Dilated abdomen
  • Excessive abdominal swelling
  • Nausea
  • No bowel movements for more than 3 days
  • Bowel movements containing mucus or blood
  • Throwing up

Redundant Colon: Digitalvaluefeed

What was that I said about it having nothing to do with torture? I take it back now. Please, if you do notice any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical with immediate effect.


There are many reasons a person may have a tortuous colon. Some people, sadly, are born with it and may even have a genetic predisposition. However, in so many cases, the cause of an elongated colon cannot be determined.

Furthermore, the colon or long intestine can also become elongated and warped as a result of a poor diet low in fiber. Some other causes could be chronic constipation, frequent hard stools, and straining for clearance.


Where the presence of a long or twisted colon isn’t causing symptoms outrightly, then don’t be negligent. Rather, incorporate good digestive health habits into your life, such as following a healthy, high-fiber diet and responding quickly to urges to visit the toilet.


How about where you experience symptoms of gas, bloating, stomach pain, or constipation, what do you do then? We will now focus on addressing each of these symptoms in turn.

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Eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of water can help relieve constipation. To relieve abdominal pain, it is recommended to use a heating pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen that appears to be in pain. Where the issue escalates, please visit a medical doctor for proper diagnosis.

DISCLAIMER: This article is only for information purposes. Make sure you see a certified medical doctor for proper treatment if you must make any step. People’s lives matter to us very much!

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