Skinny Bailey Banana Smoothie: The Irish Cream Drink | DVF

Skinny Bailey Banana Smoothie…I will be giving you one of our secret recipes of Bailey’s delicious recipe. So you don’t need to worry about the hot summer as you’ll have some skinny Bailey banana smoothies.

About Skinny Bailey Banana Smoothie

Skinny Bailey’s Banana Smoothie is an easy-to-make Irish cream drink for those who love their booze. Don’t be intimidated by the banana flavor. The texture is smooth, and the taste is surprisingly subtle. It’s a great anytime drink as it’s both sweet and delicious!

Skinny Bailey Banana Smoothie | Digitalvaluefeed

If you’re looking for a sweet treat but don’t want to put on pounds, try this undiscovered gem of a cocktail! It has all flavors and no guilt of putting on some weights!

It’s a combination of a milkshake, a smoothie, a cocktail, a dessert, a perfect one!

Skinny Bailey’s Banana Smoothie

Not fair at all! Why should kids get to have all the fun? I didn’t want to spend my summer days doing something every kid gets to do. So I invented a recipe that lets me indulge in a cocktail even faster than most people on the go can blend a smoothie. I’ve discovered it’s pretty incredible — and you will too when you try Skinny Bailey Banana Smoothie out.


  • Ice
  • Irish Cream Baileys
  • 3 Tablespoon chocolate syrup light
  • Almond Milk
  • One medium Banana


  1. Fill the glass that will be used with banana chunks then ice until full.
  2. Pour your Irish Cream over these ingredients until it is 1/2 full.
  3. Fill the glass to the top with Almond Milk and 3 Tablespoons light chocolate syrup.
  4. Pour the contents of the glass into a blender.
  5. Puree in a blender until smooth.
  6. Ready for consumption… yummy!

Simple and delicious… Enjoy!

This Irish cream drink is tasty indeed! You would wanna try it out yourself, as it is very simple and straight-to-the-point to make. However, if you are trying out this recipe, kindly drop a comment below and tell us how delicious it tastes! Please share!

Suggested Recipes:


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